’77 Hawk Blog 


Blog… Blog… Blog…

Have you got something to say?
Email to:  HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com aka The BlogMaster

Note To Readers:
BlogMaster Mystery has taken on a life of it’s own.
On February 19th those posts were pulled and put into a separate blog.
 Go to that page to see if you can figure out the identity of
The BlogMaster!

This page will continue with the “NormalBlogs.




Archives from December 22, 2006 through June 30, 2007





From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 9:12 AM


Terence Rogers wanted me to let everyone know about this…


If you know of anyone that would like to go to the Reunion but is legitimately having trouble coming up with the cost to go, email Terence and he will try to come up with some assistance.

His email address is:  rogers38@hotmail.com

Thanks Terence for willing to help!






From: 77HawksBlogSpot [mailto:HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:09 PM
Subject: Gettin Close Now !


Well here I sit, blogging away and dialed into Napster and listening to the music of Fall 1976, Football Time!

Thriller, Orleans, The Spinners, Hall and Oats, and of course KC! Oh to be 30 years younger! Do you think if I throw some reruns of the Time Tunnel into the DVR I can make it happen?

I wouldn’t miss the chance! But I’ll have to settle for the next best thing, The Reunion, One Month and Counting. I can’t wait to see you guys!!!!

Bloggie ;>)




From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]

Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 2:15 PM


I’m sure that by now many of you have seen the videos that we’ve put on the Home Page.  As of this posting the Yearbook Memories has been watched 268 times in just two weeks, Michael Bell’s Important Message has been watched 111 times in one week, and the latest addition of the short version of the 10 Year Reunion Memories has been watched 68 times in just two days!


I just want everyone to know that we are going to be giving away a free DVD to everyone that comes to the Reunion.  It will include the longer version of the 10 Year Reunion Memories with advice from Lewis Nixon and many other things not in the short version, a video of both the Summer and Cruise 20 Year Reunion Memories, and also a high quality version of the Yearbook Memories. 


The only catch is… you have to come to the Reunion to get one!


So… have you registered yet?   :>)








From: "Bell, Mike" <BellM@CODB.US>

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:29:23


 Tom   u  are   so   right  .  lets us all call one  old classmate  that  we went to school with and let  know  that time is running out 14 days to go to dead line. that we are have a old school class party . & to have old school we need old school class mate there . I  will  make my call today .. I will be calling____  & now lets everyone else  make one call today to a 77 class mate.. also when  you see Lloyd , Tom & Maggie let them  know job well done..    





From: Oldhawk77 [mailto:oldhawk77@aol.com]
Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:34 PM
Subject: Think about it!


Hello again,


     It's been a while since we began this project of putting this reunion together. Our goal, from the beginning, was to make this reunion reasonable in cost, and casual in atmosphere. We asked our classmates what they wanted, and have planned the events according to their suggestions. Modern technology has allowed us to locate many of our old friends, that years ago would have been impossible. The contributions from them, and those who have joined us for the planning meetings, have made this more fun than work. But all will be worthwhile in July.


     If you look at the list of "who's coming", you'll find a variety of classmates from other years and schools. There is still time to send in your reservation, and all classmates are welcome to attend the Saturday Night Event at the Ocean Walk Resort, regardless of year or school. If you don't see a friend on the list of who is coming, give them a call or send them an e-mail. The Final, FINAL, ABSOLUTE FINAL deadline will be July 1. At that time, all numbers must be given for food reservations.


     We are making one last push to bring as many people together as possible. We will also be asking classmates about their interest for our 35 year reunion during this event. We are currently leaning toward a cruise in 2012, and once again, inviting classmates from all schools and years 1976-1979. We won't be able to book reservations until 2010, but would like everyone to start planning now.


     We are only 5 weeks away from what we hope will be the best reunion yet. We have chosen two locations within a short distance of each other so that we can spend as much time together as we can stand. We hope many of you reconsider your decision not to attend, for what ever reason. You won't be disappointed.


     Maggie, Lloyd, myself, and those who have joined us for the meetings, have had a great time talking to many of you. We only hope you can share our excitement, say " Oh, what the hell", and send in your reservation before July 1.


     We look forward to seeing all of you, and hope many of you change your mind. See old friends, meet new friends, share a laugh or a tear, and remember when....................





Well Tom, you’ve got it right! I hope everyone comes to the fun!


Get Down Tonight!





From: Marilyn Schwoegler [mailto:mschwoegler@comcast.net]
Friday, May 18, 2007 9:16 AM



I'm not sure we knew each other in high school, but I see you live in Denver as do I.  Maybe we can hook up one day if you're not able to make it to the reunion.  If you're able to make the trip, let me know.  Hope you're well.


Marilyn (Weiden) Schwoegler





From: Bell, Mike [mailto:BellM@CODB.US]

Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:39 AM

Subject: Class of '77 Blog


   sr   year  or  our  jr    1977 sr year orange   bowl    in    Miami

I know   how  we get there   bus ..was k.c & the  sunshine band there

get  down  to  night ....just a guess


Mike Bell





From: netuser99 [mailto:netuser99@comcast.net]
Monday, May 07, 2007 7:53 PM
Subject: Class of '77 Blog


OK, OK, this is to rack up one for the band members.  It’s Nita (Vargas) Folkers in Denver.  I played clarinet in symphonic band, saxophone in marching band and tried to play the bari sax in stage band – more like it played me the thing was so huge!  Band’s about the only thing I remember from high school – that and Christian Club and World Lit.  I hope to be able to make it in July, but still trying to work my schedule. 


Hey here’s a couple of trivia questions 1 – what bowl game did we march in during halftime and 2) what was the name of the competition we won to do that?  Mr. Long was a pioneer to have us boogyin’ down on the field!


Hope to see everyone in July!  Blessings! 


Nita Vargas Folkers





From: Morgang5 [mailto:morgang5@cablelynx.com]
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:00 AM

Teresa, I actually wore my Jammin' Class of '77 Tshirt on Saturday! :-)  It is, I admit, a bit tight...but I have a jogging suit with an orange stripe that matches perfectly with it....ha ha. Actually, I planned to wear it because we were on a retreat where my husband was the speaker. All the attendees were young professionals...mostly in their mid to late 20s. I thought it would be fun to be able to say, "The shirt I am wearing is older than you!" :-)  My son says it is "vintage" and begs to wear it. I can't wait to see you, girl, and your dad too. He was our SGA faculty advisor...fun memories.


See you in July,


Maggie Nelson Morgan





From: Davis Teresa

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 2:31 PM

Okay Tom… the check is in the mail…………  yeah for both nights.
I saw the picture that was placed on the blog of myself and Joe as the most friendliest of the class.  And I showed the picture to my co-workers and they just could not believe that was me.  So I showed it to my mother and she did not recognize me…   the outfit that I have on I made it…. Smile…. Do I still sew for myself, no…   smile .


Mike, as a former Hawkette I took much pride when dressing in our uniforms… 'cause we had the cutest bright orange and white outfits that all the fellows admired. Gee... just think!  When I hold my dress up to the mirror…. I just laugh uncontrollable… and I say to myself…. She was a brick house, oh mighty, mighty, and now thirty years later.   I was 98 pounds when we graduated from high school………  But look at me now!!! 


How many of you all still have your Jammin Class of 1977 orange T-shirts… I plan to bring mine on a poster board, 'cause I sure as h_ _ _ can't get in it either…..


Hey Lloyd that would be a good door prize "who has the best well preserved Jammin class of 1977 T-shirt?"


Did the committee extend the invite to the teachers and staff?   If not then my father will be my date.


Looking forward to seeing you all…


Teresa Davis  aka fluffytyd@aol.com





From: Oldhawk77 [mailto:oldhawk77@aol.com]
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Dear Bloggie and Classmates


 Yo Ho Neighbor,


     Mr Wilson here. Hope you all got a chuckle with my picture from Grad Night back in 77. I'm surprised Bloggie didn't mention it. And by the way, Bloggie, that was some DEEP thoughts about way back when. I almost wanted to weep! But, that was good, and I share your sentiments. If your only reason to attend our reunion is to see just one person, one friend, one classmate, then it will be worth your trip.


     Remember, the events are "casual". Families are welcome. We are doing our best, behind the scenes, to contact the other schools, and other classmates, to join us at the Daytona Lagoon. It's a little disappointing speaking to some, who before I can inform them of our reunion plans, interrupt with "I'm not interested", or "I want to remain missing".  Our goal has been to contact as many people as possible, and give them the opportunity to share some memories. We have narrowed the missing list down to just over 100, but continue to locate as many classmates as possible.


     July will be here before you know it, and we have placed a deadline for reservations. After June 1, 2007, we will open up the Saturday Event at the Ocean Walk Resort to other classmates who would like to join us for the evening, based on availability. If you are interested, please contact me to be placed on a list of interested classmates. You will be contacted on a first come (pay), first serve basis, until maximum occupancy has been reached. We want to have as many people as possible share this evening with us. So, those of you from the class of 77, mail your reservation form as soon as possible. As usual, I will contact you to confirm your payment, and forward the information to Lloyd to post on our web page. If you don't hear from me, you'll need to call or e-mail me regarding your confirmation.


     We want your pictures!!! High School, College, Family, whatever. E-mail them, or send them with your reservation. We want enough photos to put together a slide show and will have copies available to those in attendance.


    Last, our next meeting is at Uno's on ISB on April 21, 2007. Everyone is welcome! Little work, lots of chat. We should have a couple of people from Mainland joining us. Maybe Bloggie will join us and reveal himself? Only those attending will know his true identity, Right BLOGMASTER?


    That's all for now. Dig out that old yearbook and look for those old pictures. Click your heels together and repeat after me, "There's no place like Spruce Creek".





Well Tommy boy, how right you are. I am closer then you think! Thank you for the comments on my post! I really meant it. I fear our numbers will surely start to shrink as the year’s progress and I don’t want anyone to have any regrets.


Remember, “We May Never Pass This Way Again!”


See you at Uno’s in 10 days!


Bloggy ;>)




From: 77HawksBlogSpot [mailto:HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]
Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:22 PM
Subject: My Dear Class

Happy Easter!

Well it’s almost time for all of us to get together and celebrate our 30th anniversary. Anniversary you say! Yes anniversary I say because… we are all inextricably married just as man and wife are, married inextricably by the times we grew up in. By the talks we had, by the fun we made. By the sports we played, by all the nights at Mr.’ T’s Pizza after a game. We are the one who hold the keys of remembrance. We are all 17 years old today as we were back in ’77, locked in a time capsule of memories, remembrances, and experiences as if we lived them yesterday. Don’t worry about who you are today, because we don’t really care. We loved you then, that’s all that matters! Come and be with us! We need each other to complete our journey. We were a class then and we are still the same Jammin Cass of 77 today.

I am sitting here tuned into Napster where you can pull up KC, Aerosmith, Seals and Crofts or any group you want to, to help refresh the memories!

We all have things left unsaid! Perhaps she, or he, is once again waiting for you! The friends you dearly miss will pick up right where you left off at 2:30 back on the last day of school.

Don’t wait until we add another name to the memorial page because it will be way too late then. Don’t be bashful. Come and have fun.

I still have a few things to say to some of the girls in the class for sure!

Please come, be yourself and get lost in the memories!

Time is not waiting for us! You have nothing to lose, and memories to gain! 

Bloggy ;>)





From: Bell, Mike [mailto:BellM@CODB.US]

Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 3:03 AM

Subject: Class of '77 Blog


HELLO  CLASSMATE   .... I was at  Deland Middle School  on 4-3-07 doing a basketball game  and guess who the boss .....Mr. Matt Krajewski ... . that right drum boy from band.


Are there  any more  band member  out there  lets here from you ... also after  30 years  I run in too Bud Smith..  band member #2 in one  month.. to all the band member we know you are out there so come on ..it will be July  soon..what's  up. Lets  fill the blog  up...... also  the same day who else from band  Rose Jenkins{Roland}.... pick up the phone  and call and old classmate and tell them to hit the BLOG... and fill

it up with something from ( 77 )   keep it nice   we are not the only one reading this....77


Where are all the  ( FOOTBALL  PLAYER )  I know we had a team. .....




3:03 am huh Mike!  Hmmmmmmm!


Bloggy ;>)




From: Trimarchi, Phil [TrimarchiP@CODB.US]

Sent: Wed 3/28/2007 9:01 AM


Hello to everyone! This is Phil Trimarchi . Not sure if many of you remember me. I went to Campbell for 9th grade and Mainland for 10th grade in 1974-1975. I would have attended Spruce Creek in 1975 and would have graduated in 1977 with you. But my folks, in their infinite wisdom decided to move to Jacksonville Beach the summer of 75 and I subsequently graduated from Fletcher High. I work for the City of Daytona Beach as a Designer in Engineering. Actually, I just sit on my butt and draw picture on the computer all day and, get this, they pay me to do this. I see Mike Bell often and he let me know of the website and the upcoming plans for the Reunion. I am interested in attending the functions of the Reunion. For those of you who may remember me, I can be reached at work # 671-8628 email ptrimarchi@cfl.rr.com or trimarchip@codb.us and the home number is listed. See you later.


Phil T





From: John J. Rennie [mailto:renniej@earthlink.net]
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:25 PM

Ok, so I arrive in Daytona, Wednesday night.  Those that are interested in getting together for dinner on Thursday night, I will be at the Port Orange Bob Evans at 6:00pm.   According to my Mom, it is on Dunlawton Blvd, between Clyde Morris and Williamson  Road in the Target / Loews shopping center.

I will be leaving Thursday night on my road trip to
Idaho.  My Mom is tired of the hurricanes and is moving near my daughter in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho.  So I am driving my Mom, in her car, with a few of her personal things.  The movers are taking the rest.

Hope to see some of you there if you just want to say hi.

May God Bless,


My testimony





From: Rennie, Lindsey & Associates, Inc. [mailto:rla@ix.netcom.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:08 PM


I am going to be in town (Daytona Beach) on March 29th.  If any of you would like to meet for dinner, then let me know.  I was just thinking pizza or something.  Anyway, let me know. 


John Rennie





From: Oldhawk77@aol.com [mailto:Oldhawk77@aol.com]
Sunday, March 04, 2007 9:09 PM
Subject: Reunion


     OK people, we're on a roll and plans are almost finalized for the two events we've planned for Friday and Saturday night. We are still looking for people to help in planning additional activities for the weekend. Barbara Ford Koch is looking into additional activities, but we welcome additional suggestions and participation from our classmates. We've arranged group rates for the Daytona Lagoon for all day Friday for those of you who will be here on Friday. All you have to do is mention Spruce Creek Reunion at the desk and you'll received the reduced rate for the park for the entire day.

     For those of you who might want to stay at the Wyndham Resort but not at the price they are requesting, I'll give you an option. The Wyndham is a time share resort. They have a reduced rate if you are willing to sit through the 90 minute sales pitch. You'll have to check the web site, but they usually offer a 3 day package for MUCH less than those of us who are locals and sometimes with other perks. Remember, these are not hotel rooms. You can also considering sharing a room with an old friend and splitting the cost.

     We'll be meeting again on March 24th to go over the details of both events. We'll are also planning a meeting for April at the Lagoon. I'm working on having a sampler of the food we'll be having for the Friday event. They also have wireless Internet at the Lagoon. We'll try to use some of this time to track down some of the missing.

     July will be here much faster than we can imagine, so time is very important. We would like to have your reservations by June 1 at the latest, so we have an idea of how many people will be attending.

     On another note, I drove a 69 Mustang, yes, shag carpet too, but no whip on my ride. BTO and Frampton in the 8 track and my CB with a short center loaded antennae on the back deck. Call sign: Yellow Fever!


    Hey Bloggie, where is your check???


Tom Wilson





From: FluffyTYD@aol.com [mailto:FluffyTYD@aol.com]
Sunday, March 04, 2007 4:21 PM

The things that I recall and the classmates that went through the journey with me may remember it differently, but this is what I recall:

Before segregation, some of us went to Yankee Doodle preschool Under the tutelage of Mrs. Dinkens and from there a lot of us attended the elementary school Volusia Ave. this included myself, Shirley Jones, Anthony Jones, Dwayne Mc clairen, pat  askew, Tracy Williams, Brenda brown, Kim thompson, frank Thomas, Tonya keys, Debbie black, drew Jones, lee hixon,  and some of the teachers were Mrs. Nearringmrs.Jones,  Mrs. wooten, Mrs. gamble, Mr. albright, Mr. moore, Mrs. Lane Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Frost the PE teacher her favorite words were" all right you rinky dinks get around that  track" and Ms. Polly.. it's funny i can't remember her last name, she just retired form the school system two years ago in
Volusia County.  the reason she stands out for me, she use to read us stories under a Huge oak tree and  she taught us a poem  about clouds, that i still remember and share with other children today.

I remember the teachers going on strike our third grade year and the whole school spent several day in the auditorium watching Jacque Costeau films about marine life... Mr. Albright a science teacher was the baby sitter.

our forth grade  years  for some of us was our last one together for a couple of years. the county scattered us in four directions.   only to meet up again  at the Original location for
Mainland High School (seventh grade center) current location  now  state government.  i do recall that  year ... the school was old and three stories high.   that was the first time in our lives while attending school  we had to take our clothes off to change into gym clothes just to go out side and play i.e. " physical  education".

I recall, the math teacher Mr. Fair then a young man would allow us to shoot baskets with paper balls, but if we missed he got to hit us with the ruler.  I believe he's a principle now.  I remember the English dept. getting excited about a new reading program that made it's appearance on public TV and we all got to watch " Electric  Company ."    

i to remember  Mrs. Vanicore the science Teacher, who would stand at the entrance of the door to the classroom and lean against the frame work in  her very, very short skirts flirting with Mr. Bennett the other science teacher.   but... i bet, she will never forgot the day  she sent Margaret to the office because she wore  hot pants to school.  most of us that remember that day  were glad because her mother paved the way  for a lot of  us  to challenged the dress code.

It's funny the things you remember and the impact it had on your life.

going to the 8th and 9th grade at Campbell Junior High separated some of us again.  but. by now ... we have accepted having to dress out for PE.  i recall having 12 Teresa's in that class.   some went by Terri, Terrie,  some with a " Y " and some just used their middle name.   the  PE teachers were:  Mrs. Harris, Ms. Banks ( this was Mrs. Frost sister ), Mr. Griggs, Mr.Sessions,   Mrs. Charles ( Stacey's mother )  she would tell you, you can do anything if you put your mind to it.  she would say  look at me my size  would not prevent me from doing a full split (  and she would show you she could do a split).

Ninth grade  was not much different from the eight grade.  we all experienced social growth now commonly called  peer pressure.. it effected  us by the way we wore our hair,  dressed up in our hip hugger bell bottom jeans with our Platform shoes to even the company we kept and the events we choose to participate in...  i remember the bomb threats that would come before, during and after lunch  at least once a week.   i remember the Basketball game between  Campbell Spartan's and the Deland Bulldogs and they beat us bad and some boys from  our campus turned the school bus over on it's side.  Mr. Barnes was not a happy camper...  

but the one thing that stands out the most for me was the last day of school when "  the group" of girls felt the need to hit me with a raw egg.  and the person who called themselves my friend was intimidated by the group and would not stand up to them  or be different and say that's not right to do that or even alert me that this would happen.  although this event did not go unpunished the following school year at mainland  ( suspension ).   although i am not bitter, it certainly  proved  that some people succumb to peer pressure just to be in the " in crowd"...   don't make them popular, affluent or effective in  intimidating those who were different in character.   that life experience  I have shared with a many of children dealing with peer pressures and empowering them to stand up and say no and make positive choices for their lives.  So I say thank you  to Shirley brown, Nadine fudge, Shirley curry, Andrea Anderson, Cora McCoy, and all the rest of you who participated.  Thank you!

tenth grade was a hoot with double section  learning to adjust to going to school from
11:00 or 12:00 to 5:30 p.m. and dealing with the upper classman.  for  this was yet another transitional year at Mainland.  although through the middle school experience i never dreamed of cutting class for fear of getting caught.  but at Mainland with double session  you had 
Mr. fields and Mr. Knight  guarding the side walks and checking hall passes.
the year we went  to mainland was the same year the Volusia Mall opened up.  with K-Mart across the street and the Mac Donald's  and Burger King,  what a temptation ... this was my first and last time i cut class.... while walking through the mall in awe of my surroundings there were not many stores open yet. while strolling the mall i spotted my father, who  at that time was on a mission for SGA  at
New smyrna Beach high School.   never would i have taken off from French class  to go to the Mall had i know my Daddy would catch me.  had i some where to hide or run to, i probably would have tried  it and deny deny and lie. but  once again this was a life altering experiences with Mr. fields waiting to escort me back to class.

the  eleventh grade at the new school was  different, I'm sure Shawanna and Debbie and Laveta  would probably agree... that going to school with one of your parents  teaching there can change the way you consider  who's class you are going to cut and why? if any at all.   SGA & band  was always a good reason.

to avoid having to get up earlier and riding in with our father 'cause he had bus duty, some of us would hitched a ride to School and home from band practice with Raynard in his little car  it would be five to six of us in his car paying him 25 cent  for gas.  except for me and la vetaLaveta was the girlfriend and i was the one that introduced them.   Because  I went to summer school prior to and after tenth grade during double session I was able to get all my credits out of the way at the end of the fall of our senior year. So I was not on campus  much during the spring.  I was cutting class the legal way   and hanging out on the college campus in the afternoons.

With Spruce Creek being the State of the Art School at that time. They did not banked on the halls being filled with practical jokers....   How many times did the hallway  (3)  where Mrs. Harkey class was, would  get soaked by the fire sprinkler system (Jeff turner and myself and Gregory session would play spades in the back of the class during lesson time and the sprinklers would always mess up our game).   Or the marine science project with the lemon head sharks that we worked on all week long and the aroma it carried through out the lunchroom.

these are the things that i recall from elementary to high school.  i purposely  left something's out to see  what you all recall and who were the participants:
9th grade photo class story line and characters... the hint there some dwarfs.
10th grade basket ball team that almost made it to state. and the runners of the track team that broke several state records.
11th grade our first year in  football,  what school gave us our winning baseball score.   or our first traffic jam in the student  parking lot  at the end of the day.  or  the feeling we had  showing up for state Band competition in
Jacksonville,fland Mr. long worked us backwards and forward with the routine and we showed up and showed out.  the judges did  not want to give us our props but after Mr. Long got through with them we came home with a "1" rating and we all rocked the greyhounds  with joy and excitement, that rush kept us warm all the way back home.  that was a very cold day in the Gator Bowl.

12th grade  Mr. weatherington's cook out and his jokes he told in class and the Boat trip. Or KC and the Sunshine Band for grad night.  (funny that August after graduation Margaret and I found our selves meeting him and members of the band in his childhood home that he turned into a practice studio down in
Miami).  Or the SGA representatives traveling to St. Pete, Fl. in our Family car to a  SGA State convention.

What do you recall?

Teresa Davis





From: Morgang5 [mailto:morgang5@cablelynx.com]
Saturday, March 03, 2007 8:40 AM

Yesterday my fourteen year old, Jesse, asked if he could wear my senior class shirt (that orange one with "Jammin' class of '77" on it) to school. He had seen me wearing it a few days before after I'd found it in the bottom of my drawer recently. I asked him WHY he would want to wear a 30 year old Tshirt and he told me because it was so cool and "old school." I had to laugh to think that now our "new school" stuff is "old school" and that makes it cool. ha ha.


Maggie Nelson Morgan





From: Lewis Nixon [mailto:lnixon@cfl.rr.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:13 AM

Subject: Spare my classmates!


No contracts for me this time.  My gift to my alumni friends will be 

to spare them my redux and their reflux.  Slide that contract over to 

Galloway, Miller and Wang...I hear their touring production of "The 

Producers" was a BIG hit in Peoria.  (Guess who plays the director).


I plan to spend my reunion getting reacquainted with the Jammin' 

class, diggin' the scene and scamming for single women.  If Mrs. 

Sheehan were to show up it would take Tom Wilson AND Mike Bell to 

hold me back!


Looking forward to seeing everyone,







From: Jobarnes369@aol.com [mailto:Jobarnes369@aol.com]
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:07 PM
Subject: Class of '77 Blog


I can remember my car in high school a '67 Plymouth Valient I fondly called Rusty, believe me the name fit well.  Sometimes I wish I still had that thing it was a cinch to fix and yeah I had the whip antenna, the CB  and the great 8 track, haha.


Jo Broadbent (Barnes)





From: Lewis Nixon [lnixon@cfl.rr.com]

Sent: Wed 2/28/2007 1:02 AM

Subject: Bab's car


Hey Barbara...You were just wishin' you drove a snappy Gremlin like mine with shag carpet, a CB radio and a whip antenna...Somebody say it wasn't so!


Ray, I know the original members of Moon Shadow but then that would be cheating.


This summer's reunion sounds great.  You guys doing all the planning are superstars!  Thanks!


Lewis Nixon



Lewis Nixon!


Speaking of planning, your timing could not have been better. I am

sure the entertainment contract is all ready to be signed!!! Of course

the donation is completely tax deductible, wink, wink...


Have you a pen?


Are you ready to reprise your "Sprinkler" role???


Bloggie ;>)






From: Barbara Koch [luvhim59@hotmail.com]

Sent: Sun 2/25/2007 10:32 PM

Subject: Trivia question


Ray West is right!!!!!  It's okay if you looked in the yearbook.  The only

reason I knew the answer is because I was in it!  I played Thoreau's mother

- (why could I never get the parts for the "sweet young thing" - I was

always somebody's mother or crazy aunt... hey - I resemble that remark now!)


Ray, you have officially won the prize.  And what might that be?  Well for

being such a great American, you get an American flag flown over the U.S.

Capitol building.  Cool huh?


Chat with ya'll soon!


Barbara Ford (Koch)




Congrats Ray...


How nice!


Hey, if I answer the scavenger hunt question correctly can I have a flag as well???


Bloggie ;>)






From: 77HawksBlogSpot [mailto:HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]

Sent: Thu 2/22/2007 6:54 PM

Subject: Profiles


Well kiddies, just read some fascinating profiles on line. Didn’t know we had ‘em! I’ll get mine up there soon, trying not to give myself away.  It’s fun seeing how old we really are. Grandparents and all! Can’t wait to see us.

Bloggie ;>)




From: 77HawksBlogSpot [mailto:HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]

Sent: Mon 2/19/2007 8:33 AM

To: 'Lloyd Davis'

Subject: Yearbook Scavenger Hunt


 Let’s play a little game shall we!?


I’ll give you a hint and you find it.


This one will be easy for you.


Ready, here we go…


It was Casey’s favorite back then, now it’s the _______ of your life!


Sounds like us doesn’t it?


What page and who am I?


Bloggie ;>)



Want to weigh in on this?  Head to “The BlogMaster Mystery” and see if you can figure it out!




From: rwest4h@comcast.net [mailto:rwest4h@comcast.net]
Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:42 PM

Well folks, I found the answer to Barbara's question. It was on page 147 of the 1st Creek Annual. It was The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail. True, I didn't know off of the top of my head. I had to look it up. Good trivia question though.


Here's a question. It might be too easy but; Who were the original 5 members of MOONSHADOW?






From: Morgang5 [mailto:morgang5@cablelynx.com]
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:58 AM

I remember "Pajama Game" but think it might have been the second musical. Foster Sommerlad was in it!

Maggie Morgan


Maggie, I think this is a late post- sorry- you lost anyway! Somehow you got sent to my junk e-mail box. You are certainly NOT junk! ;<)     The BlogMaster


From: Oldhawk77@aol.com [mailto:Oldhawk77@aol.com]

Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:45 PM


Greetings, my fellow classmates.


Let’s talk for a moment.


In case you haven’t heard, we’re throwing a Party for a few hundred of our friends. That’s right; July 20, 2007 is the date to mark on your calendar. I’ve been in contact with classmates from all four years, and some from Mainland High School as well. Remember any of these people? Gamache, Croak, Malecki, Pagano, Schammel, Vergani, Colucci, Eberle, Cisneros, Inge, Girard, Murrell, Compton, Travolta………………


Well, maybe one of those is wrong. But the word is getting out, and everyone wants to be a part of it. For only $25 per person, you’ll have five or more hours to see people you haven’t seen in a longgggggggg time. We’ll even toss in a Buffet; sorry, the bar is on you, but free soda will be available. Daytona Lagoon, Friday Night, you won’t want to miss this one, REALLY!!!


Want to find out what else is going on behind the scenes? Join us on Saturday, February 24 at Adobe Gila’s Ocean Walk. If you park in the Garage across the street, bring your parking ticket for validation and parking is free. We will meet at noon for a quick lunch and choose the final buffet menus for both events. Then, Banquet Managers from both the Wyndham Resort and Daytona Lagoon will give us a tour of their facilities and answer any questions you may have. Once again, the bar and lunch are on you.


Now, about the “missing”. As we get down to the final numbers, it becomes harder and harder to locate these classmates. I know I have spent hours trying to find just one person. Finding them makes it worthwhile. Some of our classmates are right under our noses, and we don’t know it. Here is how you can help. In order to narrow down the possibilities, small tidbits of information can make the difference between 10 minutes or an hour. Where they lived in high school, the state you last knew they were in, married name, parents name, brother, sister, children classmates had that may have gone to school with your children, all of these can save us a lot of time. We are committed to locating everyone we possibly can. So, please look over the missing list again and e-mail us with any info, no matter how small, you might have.


Last but not least, I want to thank all of you who have been a part of planning this reunion. The two greatest and most dedicated are Maggie and Lloyd. She is always on the phone, and as you can see by this web page, he’s always on the computer. In the last 24 hours alone, our class web site has logged over 100 hits. If you Google “Spruce Creek Class of 77” we pop up as the first link on the page. That’s BIG!


Oh Yes, send money! I’ll e-mail you with a confirmation as soon as it arrives, and be sure to check the list to see who is coming. “Live Long and Prosper?


Tom Wilson




From: Barbara Koch [mailto:luvhim59@hotmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:04 AM


Oklahoma was the first musical, No Guys and Dolls.  Question is what was the first PLAY held at Creek?


I can smell the wood burning over here.....


Two corrections on my last blog.  Geoff Ridgedill was the teacher who passed away and my husband gloated in the fact that I didn't drive a Gremlin to school but an AMC Hornet.  (Like I can remember silly things like names of cars)




Right you are Barb.


Don't forget that Mr. Kirton also passed away a year and a half ago. I just realized something; we are as old as our parents were when we were at the Creek. How's that for a reality check!!! 


On the weather front -  Brrrrr, 38 degrees today in sunny Daytona. This week we have the races, Oh Joy! No restaurant trips for we locals until Monday!   The BlogMaster




From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]

Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:48 AM




That's 100% pure Michael Bell!






From: Bell, Mike [mailto:BellM@CODB.US]

Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:56 AM






Mike Bell


Should we send this to Mr. Allen first?   The BlogMaster



From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:42 AM

To the BlogMaster…  Just so you know… I think the official rules of the contest say that employees of the website and their affiliates are not eligible to win.  However, since I knew that your answer was not right, I posted it anyway.




God bless,






From: 77HawksBlogSpot [mailto:HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:10 AM
To: 'Lloyd Davis'
Subject: FW: 1st Musical






From: rwest4h@comcast.net [mailto:rwest4h@comcast.net]

Date: Monday, February 12, 2007 9:14 PM


In response to Barbara, it was Oklahoma!


Ray West




From: 77HawksBlogSpot [HawksBlogSpot@cfl.rr.com]

Date: Mon 2/12/2007 7:45 PM


In response to Barbara Koch…

Guys and Dolls?

The BlogMaster




From: Barbara Koch [mailto:luvhim59@hotmail.com]

Date: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:01 PM


I moved to Florida in the middle of my 7th grade year.  Went to Seabreeze Jr and met many of you there. (I remember my first day - I was in Mr. Simms' science class and he asked me a question, I stood up by my chair answered it, and then sat down, just like I did at the Catholic school I attended up north.  Boy, was I a geek!  But Mr. Simms liked me after that and gave me an "A" when I probably didn't deserve it.)


But I do remember being in Mr. Petker's chemistry class and hearing cows moo outside the classroom.  And the only class that I had with a window was Mrs. West's class.  Man, was she tough!  But my favorite teacher by far was Mrs. Carolyn Harkey.  I was blessed years ago with seeing her at the Volusia Mall when my son was a baby.  Finally had the opportunity to tell her what a great teacher she was and because of her I have always had a great love of



But alas there is no "Three Stooges Club" at Spruce Creek any longer.  What is wrong with these children?


I also remember Flora Bronson and me selling ballons and lollipops at our first homecoming celebration raising money for the Drama club as I recall.  


We were both dressed up as clowns - yeah, imagine that, me as a clown....

And during our Senior Year, didn't we have a car we smashed with a sledge hammer?


I used to drive my 1972 Gremlin to school listening to KC and the Sunshine Band, Donna Summer, Earth, Wind and Fire, Elton John and many other bands screaming out the lyrics.  (You don't see that car around anymore do you?  Well, there's a reason for that...)


Does anyone remember the first play at Spruce Creek?  Anyone who can guess the right answer will get a special prize at the reunion!  (Don't worry Tom, I've got that one covered)


For those of you who don't know, Geoff Ridgedale (sp) who taught Social Studies died this past year from cancer.  But I see Charles Allen around walking his dog.  He still looks great!


I appreciate Tom giving all the updates on the various schools around here.


One thing also that is different is students can chose what course of study they wish to pursue in the 8th grade.  For example my son wants to be a mechanical engineer so he will be attending Mainland for their Technology Academy.  If you are interested in Law and Government, you can go to Atlantic.  If your interested in Sports Medicine, you can go to Seabreeze.  So no matter where you live, you can go to any of the local schools from Ormond Beach to Deltona to New Smyrna Beach to attend one of these special Academies.  If I remember correctly, there are 43 different Academies to choose from.  It's pretty exciting, except for the fact that my son is going to the dark side - honest I tried to talk him into the IB program at Creek, but to no avail.


Still working on the list of things to do in the local area if you are so inclined.  I think the event at Daytona Lagoon is wonderful!  My kids love to go there.


DIETING to see you all at the reunion!


Barbara (Ford) Koch




From: Morgang5 [morgang5@cablelynx.com]

Date: Mon 2/12/2007 10:44 AM


After I read Ray West's blog entry (wow, what a memory he has!) and Lloyd's recollections, I really started trying to remember all those I went to South Daytona Elementary with who actually went all the way through 12th grade together. That sent me on an hour-long hunt to find those old class photos they took of our entire class sitting with our hands folded on top of our desks. :-)  I never found mine but Linda Naugle Peshek located her copies and found there were 11  of us pictured that went all the way through together... Susan Gray, Linda Naugle, Susan Kimball, Patty McKim,Tammy Pinkerton, Lyle Shearer, Jean Minnick, John Malin, Steve Reeves, Sheila Widner and myself. Several others joined us in the next few years. I remember that one year we had five "Susans" in our class!  For kindergarten several of us went to Port Orange Elementary and attended a class held in an old wooden church building that sat in the back of the playground. I believe South Daytona was new and did not offer kindergarten so we went to P.O. Some of those in that class we joined up with again when we all ended up at Mainland Junior for seventh grade. Why does all of that seem like a million years ago???


Maggie Nelson (Morgan)




From: Linda Naugle (Peshek) [gpeshek@tampabay.rr.com]

Date: Sun 2/11/2007 10:04 PM


OK as far as my kids know I was the perfect student - never skipped school, made all A's, etc. etc. etc.


(let's let the other stuff be our secret, okay?!)


Linda Naugle (Peshek)




From: Lloyd Davis <Lloyd@tylconstruction.com>

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:07:57


I also have a few in that small circle that I consider “Special” classmates that have been together since 1st Grade.  The ones that I remember are Susan Gray, Linda Naugle, Maggie Nelson, and Patti McKim.  Funny… I don’t remember any guys from that far back.


Actually that’s not really true.  Steve Reeves was the guy that I remember all the young ladies were in love with back then.  I just didn’t get it.  Maybe it was the haircut.


I think Chuck Vola was the king of skipping!  I remember many times riding with him in his Z28 Camero going at least 150 mph down I-95 from the Creek to see my girlfriend Ann Creesy who had to stay behind at Mainland.  We’d try to get there and back and only miss one period.  Then there was the day I remember that he and Scott Zuegg went and got Ann at Mainland and brought her back to Spruce Creek!  How in the world did we not get caught?


 Here’s an idea, I wonder if we could start a list of everyone who remembers skipping with Chuck?


Hmmmm…. Are we old enough now that we don’t have to worry about our kids reading all this stuff?


Lloyd Davis





From: rwest4h@comcast.net [mailto:rwest4h@comcast.net]
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:36 PM

Here is a good subject to blog on. Not only are we going to see old friends that we graduated with but friends that we went all of the way through school with. For instance; Terry Applegate, Mike Luther, Teri Paulk and I all went to 1st grade together at North Ridgewood Elementary. Linda Naugle and I were in Mrs. Vanacore's 7th grade science class at Mainland 7th grade center. Maggie Nelson, Jimmy Hedrick, Paul Stiener, Beth Southerlin and I were in Mrs Dandridge's 8th grade science class at Campbell Street Jr High. And, Chuck Vola and I used to skip geometry at Mainland to go see the progress on "The New School". These are just a few of my many memories before The Creek. Does anyone else have similar experiences with classmates from 1st - 12th? It will be interesting to see the response. See you all soon!


Ray West 





From: "Pompey, Sharon" <spompey@harris.com>

Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 13:35:16


This site looks great!  Apparently, some of us kept up with the growing computerized era (not surprising).  Class of '77 was an extremely smart class.  Can I get a witness???  The memories of Senior Skip Day, Grad Nite, Prom Night, the Pep Rallies, Time Capsule, the music, the fashion…too many to name.  It will be of great joy to see everyone who made an impact on my life 30 years ago.  Until then, stay blessed!


Sharon Pompey




From: The BlogMaster
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 7:57 PM

Wow this site has really exploded with content. How can I license it? Just kidding. I was down at the creek for a basketball game last week and could not help but reminisce about the two years I spent there as a student with all of you. The atrium is bare of any planters; it’s a wide open space with fold up-roll up cafeteria tables. There must be 40 portables outside and the new freshman wing is awesome! This summer there are plans to redo the traffic patterns. It’s a real mess. I have one daughter there now a sophomore in IB and my youngest starts the program transferring in from Warner in the fall. For those of you who don’t know Mainland High was torn down and there is a new bazillion dollar Taj Mahal in its place up by the road. It’s a cross between Harvard and the Outlet Mall in St. Augustine. You’ll see what I mean. New Smyrna High bit the dust as well; it’s now WEST of I-95 and cost about 20 million as well. Seabreeze still stands and has been completely re-done and Deltona has Two High Schools of its own. Oh yea, there’s also one on Reed Canal Road in Port Orange, can you believe it, called Atlantic High School. DeLand High, the new DeLand High looks like a College Campus. My daughter played basketball there last week and the court puts the T.D Waterhouse, AKA Amway Center AKA home of the Magic to shame! I guess that’s why we pay so much in school taxes each year. Volusia County has really changed. We will soon be a Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale wrapped into one. Traffic jams are here and property is through the roof.

I am glad the trees we planted at the creek are still going strong 30 years later. I am very proud of those!

If you want more local current events just let me know and I will post them to this Blog because I know some of you are very far away and I don’t want you to be shocked when you come home in July.

Oh yea, if you’re thinking of staying at the Adams Mark, don’t. It’s gone; it’s now a Hilton and the Hilton in now a spa! Confused, stay tuned!

I won’t tell you who I am but just call me the BlogMaster!

Who had Mr. Malloy for Chemistry? Let’s see a show of hands. Are you feeling uneazy??? ;>)

The BlogMaster



From: Koch, Barbara [mailto:B.Koch@mail.house.gov]
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:04 PM

Hey folks!

I'm in the process of putting together a list of things to do, places to go, etc during the day Friday and Saturday.  I should have it completed by next week.  There's quite a bit already on the City and County calendars for that weekend, but I'll keep you posted for any other events coming up.  One thing I do know is the London Symphony Orchestra will be here during that period of time, so I will check to see who is playing, where and the ticket prices if anyone is interested in a little culture.  (Last culture I saw was growing in a container the back of my refrigerator....)

If you think of anything you might want to do or see, just let me know!  My email address for home is luvhim59@hotmail.com or at work b.koch@mail.house.gov

Barbara (Ford) Koch



From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:47 AM

Good Idea John!

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Home Page and you will see where I have added a link to a new page called “Hawk Website Updates”.

God bless,




MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2007 4:47 PM








From: Oldhawk77@aol.com [mailto:Oldhawk77@aol.com]
Sunday, January 21, 2007 4:39 PM

Great Idea Mike!!!  Now we can see how many of our classmates are looking at the class web page. Please drop in and let us know you were here. We should have some definite plans for the Friday and Saturday night events soon. I recently "retired" from UPS and am looking for a second career and hope to have more time to get this thing going. We will be having another meeting after the Races are over. See you all soon.

Tom Wilson




From: Lloyd Davis [mailto:Lloyd@tylconstruction.com]
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:50 PM


 I’m Blogging!!!!!


 Wow!  That was fun!



From:       Michael Poniatowski [mailto:mponiatowski@cfl.rr.com]
Friday, December 22, 2006 9:54 AM

What do you think about adding a blog or message board to the web site so we could leave messages or just reach out to classmates. A place to leave a comment like, “Remember when Mr. Kirton did  ... “   Open for all visitors to see.

Mike Poniatowski




Internet Design by
Lloyd Davis
“Thank You Lord”