’77 Hawk Profile

Mike Lynch

30 years gone…. Where to begin… just run the hi-lite reel eh.


After Spruce Creek I went to Oral Roberts University for 2 years, then transferred to U of F. Graduated in 1981.


Went to work as an accountant, got married in 1983, set up house in South Daytona, fathered 4 children, picked up a CPA license along the way. Worked as an accountant/controller in various businesses in Volusia and Orange county.


I cleaned the pool and mowed the yard for 23 years, then got divorced in 2006, moved in with my band in Deland, where I am today, seemingly at the beginning again, at 48, still mourning at the funeral of my youth.








Mike Lynch

(Posted 07-18-2007)

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