’77 Hawk Profile

Melody Merrell Baade

Hi classmates,


    I'm looking forward to my first reunion over the past 30 years! 


    After graduation I attended Stetson University, graduated 4 years later and went on to USF medical school.  After graduation I did a 3 year residency training in pediatrics also at USF and have been in private practice in peds ever since ( 19 years now).  This was my dream since high school.


   While in my first year at Stetson I met the man who later ( much later) became my husband.  We've been married for 23 years now and have 3 kids - Elise, age 17,  Jeremy, age 14, and Hannah,  age 11.  We've been blessed in a million ways.  My hobbies are relatively underdeveloped (too many years in school and at work), but I've been trying to learn how to play tennis.  I still run occasionally, but nothing like I used to.


   Can't wait to catch up with you all on Friday!


 Melody Merrell Baade

 (Posted 07-15-2007)

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