Albert Einstein was born in 1879 and died in 1955.  He was born in Ulm, Germany.  Einstein was not very successful during his grade school years, but was outstanding in high school.  He acquired a job in a Swiss patent office in 1902.  By 1905, when he got his Ph. D., he was world renowned for his papers on Brownian movement of molecules, his photoelectric theory that light and other radiation can behave as both waves and particles, and for his revolutionary special theory of relativity, which related matter and energy in the famous equation, E=Mc^2.  

In 1915,Einstein culminated his general theory of relativity, and introduced the concept of space time.  In 1921, he received the Nobel Prize for Physics.  

After Hitler came to power, Einstein emigrated in 1933 to the U.S., and accepted a job at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey.  In 1940 he became a U.S. citizen, and continued to live in Princeton after his retirement in 1940.  

After finding out that the Nazis were on there way to making an atomic bomb, Einstein wrote an urgent letter to President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939.  In this letter, Einstein urged the President to have America make their own A-Bombs.  Although Einstein did not assist in the  construction of the bomb, he is still sometimes referred to today as the "Father of the Bomb".  Einstein also worked on, but never completed, his Unified Field Theory.  The Unified Field Theory combined quantum mechanics and relativity one all answering equation.

Einstein was a man who kept to himself, who was a pacifist and humanitarian, and who would give a shy smirk when he made a mistake while helping a young child with their math homework.

"If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith."